Our commitments by your side

A word from Aurélie Hulard,
Managing Director of CNIM Systèmes Industriels

Dear future collaborators,

Joining CNIM Systèmes Industriels means having the opportunity to enrich your experience and develop yourself by working on technically cutting-edge projects, positioned in promising markets, whether in our workshops or in our offices.

Both CSI’s organization and multiple skills will allow you to reach a wide range of professions via internal mobility if you wish to evolve with us. In addition, we offer you a modern working environment that respects its environment, with a dynamic Economic and Social Committee and employees social cohesion events promoting teamwork and the circulation of information.

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Aurélie Hulard


"La culture Santé et Sécurité au travail est l'affaire de tous."

Aurélie HULARD

Directeur Général


"Le cadre et les exigences le sont aussi envers soi-même."


Directeur de la BU Défense


"Respecter ses engagements est indispensable, les mots doivent être suivis par des actes."


Directeur de la BU Nucléaire


"L'excellence n'est pas un acte mais une habitude."


Directeur BU Industrie & Services


"La démarche d’Amélioration Continue demande aussi de faire preuve de créativité pour nous détacher de ce qui fait notre quotidien et nous projeter vers une solution améliorée." 


Directeur de la Direction des opérations


"At CNIM Systèmes Industriels, trust means full disclosure, inspiring leadership, open communication, and honored commitments."

Hugues-Olivier VUILLAUME

Director of Human Resources

Our HR commitments

Our HR commitments relate to health, safety, skills development and diversity. They are at the heart of the Human Resources policy that we conduct.

Health and Safety

CNIM Systèmes Industriels’s high standards also apply to risk prevention and respect for the rules that cover employee health and safety. This level of commitment is shared by employees at every level of the organization and is reflected in the numerous certifications awarded in the areas of health and safety, and also in quality.


We believe in the richness and value of social diversity. Gender equality and team mix, the integration of senior experts and young graduates, and the absence of any form of discrimination are the principles applied in our recruitment.

Companies with more than 50 employees are required, as of 2019, to publish a gender professional equality index, in order to fight against persistent pay inequalities. This index is based on the following five indicators:

  • Pay gaps 
  • Differences in individual increases 
  • Gap in promotions 
  • Percentage of female employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave
  • Number of employees of the underrepresented gender in the top 10

For the year 2022, CNIM Systèmes Industriels has an overall score of 89 points out of 100.



Within CNIM Systèmes Industriels, skills development is based on four pillars: 
- internal and external training,
- coaching, 
- tutoring or mentoring,
- on-the-job training. 

We are committed to constantly updating and strengthening the business, safety and managerial skills of our employees. 

Each year, we map the key skills that are essential to the execution of our client projects. We then deploy appropriate skills development measures to achieve the level of expertise expected on all our projects.