18 September 2024
Defense and security
Meet us on ADAS in Philippines
CNIM Systèmes Industriels will be present at ADAS – from 25 to 27 September 2024 in Manilla – World Trade Center.
ADAS is the must-attend event within the global defense industry in the region.
In this context, we will be exhibiting on the stand of our partner KESTRAL - Booth 1601 / Hall C - and will be presenting our solutions to support forces in operations.
The Motorized Floating Bridge
The Motorized Floating Bridge (PFM), wet gap crossing solution
The PFM has a great maneuverability and can be easy deployed with fast implementation. Either deployed as a continuous floating bridge or a roll-on roll-off ferry, it offers wet gap crossing capability for the heaviest military class vehicles.

The ROCUS, Route Clearance Unmanned System
ROCUS is able to operate in difficult terrain, combining endurance and robustness. It can inspect, confirm and neutralise the threat to meet the security needs of military convoys on the field.